Brick Cleaning

The next generation in brick cleaning has arrived

We understand the importance of environmental awareness hence we chose to change our operations from hydrochloric acid washing to a safer alternative .

Brickwash system.  Safe to use brick cleaner, based on organic compounds using the latest advanced green technology performs as well as dangerous acids used in brick acid washing but without the dangers of chemical burns, furming, corrosion and environmental impact. We have worked closely with the brick industry and our group housing clients to establish a relationship to offer a high quality clean to our clients.  Brick washing or brick cleaning is the term commonly used in the construction industry to describe an acid wash that removes excess mortar as one of the last operations carried out on a building site before practical completion.  It's important that it looks right! 

The brick cleaning process involves the application of an organic acid mixture to the entire brick surface to soften excess mortar. The surface is then washed down with a low pressure washer.  Construction usually requires the final touch up by our specialised commercial brick cleaning team which provides a cost effective brick cleaning solution for any commercial or residential property.  
